Meet the Gang


Bag of Lies is a podcast hosted by Shareina Chandler & Malika Reid that explores identity, aspiration, and community through the lens of the harmless, white lies we all tell.


Malika Reid

Malika is an Art Director passionate about making things look beautiful and telling beautiful lies. She started with a coffee name (Emma) and has now developed an entire alter ego that she shares with her nail techs.


Shareina Chandler

Shareina is a Copywriter by day, and a rotten, filthy liar by night. She loves telling Uber drivers she is divorced and assuming a host of personas, including a distant relative of Serena Williams.


Rachel Diaz

Rachel is spicy. A podcast producing powerhouse, in her day job, she bosses clients around and does the lord’s work of sending crazy accurate recap emails. She loves playing Zoom pranks on Shareina and Malika (much to their frustration). Bay Area raised, she has Mexican roots with a strong Jewish upbringing. Sounds like a lie? It’s not.